More designs will be coming however I just had to show off our two bags that will start our line. Also available, leather wallets and soon...make-up bags and cluthes. Shelly Perkins Photography Boutique Bags.
Shelly Perkins Photography Boutique Bucket Bags with leather trim starting at $225. (below)
Shelly Perkins Photography Boutique Gigi Bags with turned leather handles starting at $275. (below)
This classic bag offers the timeless charm and style of Audrey Hepburn. With turned leather handles and a choice of black or pattern-printed gusset trim on the ends of black & white plaid, orange blossom, pink floral pattern or red floral pattern.
Boutique Custom Leather Wallet for $160 (below) featuring your Shelly Perkins Photography Image.
Think about how often during your day you touch your wallet and with this custom high end wallet made exclusively for you, you will remember those who are most important in your life. This wallet is made of top quality leather combining features of a standard billfold with the design elements of a French purse. This beautiful wallet is 7.5" wide and will become your favorite and only wallet you will want to carry.

Aren't the bags and wallets GORGEOUS??? So CHIC and SO CUSTOM ~ No one else will have a bag or wallet quite like this. LOVE THEM!!!
Call me for an appointment for your Shelly Perkins Boutique Bag Photo Shoot. 405.229.2671
This is going to become your favorite bag!
Bags are custom made for each person, therefore they take two to three weeks for completion. Our designers are from Beverly Hills, California and Durham, North Carolina.