Okay, if you know me, you know I have a thing for horses. I just love horses. I have owned horses, but we currently live in the city and I'm pretty sure my homeowners association would not appreciate me having horses in my backyard.
In February my husband and I were blessed with a trip to Kauai, Hawaii. It is known as the healing island. We have now been to four of the islands and plan on returning again.
On an afternoon drive through the mountains and lush gardens of Kauai we found these horses. I yelled at my husband to stop the car and immediately jumped out. We were driving a convertible and I can't really remember if I just jumped out or actually used the door. Anyway, I ran up to the horses and just fell in love. One fella really enjoyed me petting him and everytime I went to another horse, well he followed along and was a little jealous. He had some adorably large ears, may have been part donkey, I'm not sure, but gosh he was the neatest guy. I have an image that I shot that day of my new horse buddy. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making the image that beautiful afternoon in Kauai.