Shelly Perkins Photography is in the heart of Oklahoma. This is a random blog of Shelly's art, photography, and her complete love for life. She posts images she's made and other images or stories worth retelling. Currently Shelly is studying Fine Art Photography at The University of Oklahoma and exploring the art within her world. She is no longer taking portrait appointments on a regular basis but on an educational and spiritual journey behind her camera.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Tornado Hits Home
Tornado Hits Home and I’m in LA !!!
Every one in our group chose their activities for the day; many of us ran around town, went to the beach, some met up with family or friends from the area and my group went to Universal Studios. We went on the backlot studio tour and then rode several of the rides. While we were on the tour I started getting text messages about a tornado sitting less than a mile from my house. I am 1500 miles away from my kids and there was nothing I could do to help protect them or keep them safe from the impending danger which was about to envelope my city.
My family prepared to take cover as the tornado approached. My oldest daughter who is almost 21 was at our house with her little Maltese and my husband picked up my youngest 9 year old from the elementary school. My mother was also at our house, along with husband and our zoo of animals. However my 13 year old was at school taking shelter; had texted my oldest daughter that the power was out at the school and she was scared. Soon after, the phones also lost connections. What seemed like an eternity until I finally received a call from home that my family and animals were okay. The junior high decided it was now safe to release the kids from class and my husband and oldest daughter picked up my 13 year old. Finally everyone (except me) were reunited and home after the tornado.
There are a few moments in my life I’ve realized just how much I love my family, especially my children and couldn’t imagine life without them. Exploring Route 66 over the past ten days has made me think about slowing down and cherishing the everyday life and world around us we often take for granted. It seems many families are busy with work, school functions and sports practices and need a little time to reconnect. It’s been a great experience meeting others along our route, spending time with new found friends and making connections through a shared community on the road.
~ Shelly Perkins on University of Oklahoma Road to Ruscha Trip 2013
get your kicks on route 66,
Oklahoma parents,
route 66,
study abroad,
University of Oklahoma