Hello to all my friends,
Unfortunately, I am really bad about updating my blog. I'm sorry. For those of you who know me personally, you know how busy I am with my family, church, photography and school, so you know how I am always running somewhere. I have a husband who is battling brain cancer and although he has now been off Chemotheraphy for a year (YEAH!) we still have numerous doctor appointments and trips to the east coast for his cancer clinical trial survelliance.
We have three girls who range in age from college to first grade, who dance, do gymnastics and scouts and a million other things. I went back to school this year at the Univesity of Oklahoma. People want to know what I want to be when I grow up... LOL Well I'm doing what I want to do to but in addition to the arts, also I'm working on sociology and women's studies. I LOVE learning and LOVE knowledge and feel like I can never learn enough. We also help with our children's programs at our church which we love. Our church is the best in the area and always has things going on and activities to attend. My husband also started helping as a co-leader for one of our daughter's Girl Scout troops this year. All of the kids love him and I LOVE the girls having TWO male leaders.
Of course, we also have a zoo at our house. We have the most adorable Holland Lop bunny we call Sugar. She's so sweet but very timid. We have a very large dog who thinks he is my baby except when people he doesn't know come in the house. Then he shows everyone who's the boss. He's an English Mastiff and is the coolest dog ever. He hardly ever barks but when he does, WOW! We also have three cats, one of which is a Scottish Fold. He has the LOUDEST meow, especially at 6 in the morning when he wants his cat food. Plus we have two other kitties, one we rescued on the street and the other rescued from a shelter in New Year before returning to Oklahoma. Needless, to say, yes we have a zoo at our house.
So back to the blogging. So sorry for anyone who is looking for a daily blog. It most likely won't happen here but when I do blog I try to show a couple of pics or tell you about something fun we have going on. Some ask why I don't post every photo I photograph at a shoot like some other photographers. Unfortunately, I have had a couple of clients who would have rather me post all of their photos and let them keep the images without paying me for my work. This is my business and this is how I help to support my family. I am not a weekend warrior with a camera. I pay for insurance, professional photographer's dues and money to keep my sites up and running. This is what I do to pay for my children's food and clothing and our house payments. As boring as it sounds, for some reason the electric company won't just post some electricity online so I can use for a while and share it with others without paying for it. ;0)
Please know if you have our family photograph your family, we will provide you with the best service ever. We want to create beatiful images which you will proud to show off and save for future generations of your family. This Christmas season we are LIMITING the number of our photo shoots. Once your family deals with a life threatening illness, you tend to look at things differently and being TOO BUSY to spend Christmas time with my family is HIGH on the don't do list.
We're looking forward to next year and the many great things we have in store for our customers. We have some really AMAZING EVENTS taking place if you have children or grandchildren, you will NOT want to miss.
Thanks for spending your time reading my blog... I apprecaite your time, more than you'll ever know. God bless, Shelly
Unfortunately, I am really bad about updating my blog. I'm sorry. For those of you who know me personally, you know how busy I am with my family, church, photography and school, so you know how I am always running somewhere. I have a husband who is battling brain cancer and although he has now been off Chemotheraphy for a year (YEAH!) we still have numerous doctor appointments and trips to the east coast for his cancer clinical trial survelliance.
We have three girls who range in age from college to first grade, who dance, do gymnastics and scouts and a million other things. I went back to school this year at the Univesity of Oklahoma. People want to know what I want to be when I grow up... LOL Well I'm doing what I want to do to but in addition to the arts, also I'm working on sociology and women's studies. I LOVE learning and LOVE knowledge and feel like I can never learn enough. We also help with our children's programs at our church which we love. Our church is the best in the area and always has things going on and activities to attend. My husband also started helping as a co-leader for one of our daughter's Girl Scout troops this year. All of the kids love him and I LOVE the girls having TWO male leaders.
Of course, we also have a zoo at our house. We have the most adorable Holland Lop bunny we call Sugar. She's so sweet but very timid. We have a very large dog who thinks he is my baby except when people he doesn't know come in the house. Then he shows everyone who's the boss. He's an English Mastiff and is the coolest dog ever. He hardly ever barks but when he does, WOW! We also have three cats, one of which is a Scottish Fold. He has the LOUDEST meow, especially at 6 in the morning when he wants his cat food. Plus we have two other kitties, one we rescued on the street and the other rescued from a shelter in New Year before returning to Oklahoma. Needless, to say, yes we have a zoo at our house.
So back to the blogging. So sorry for anyone who is looking for a daily blog. It most likely won't happen here but when I do blog I try to show a couple of pics or tell you about something fun we have going on. Some ask why I don't post every photo I photograph at a shoot like some other photographers. Unfortunately, I have had a couple of clients who would have rather me post all of their photos and let them keep the images without paying me for my work. This is my business and this is how I help to support my family. I am not a weekend warrior with a camera. I pay for insurance, professional photographer's dues and money to keep my sites up and running. This is what I do to pay for my children's food and clothing and our house payments. As boring as it sounds, for some reason the electric company won't just post some electricity online so I can use for a while and share it with others without paying for it. ;0)
Please know if you have our family photograph your family, we will provide you with the best service ever. We want to create beatiful images which you will proud to show off and save for future generations of your family. This Christmas season we are LIMITING the number of our photo shoots. Once your family deals with a life threatening illness, you tend to look at things differently and being TOO BUSY to spend Christmas time with my family is HIGH on the don't do list.
We're looking forward to next year and the many great things we have in store for our customers. We have some really AMAZING EVENTS taking place if you have children or grandchildren, you will NOT want to miss.
Thanks for spending your time reading my blog... I apprecaite your time, more than you'll ever know. God bless, Shelly