Sunday, December 9, 2012

Twisted or Just Child Play ?

~~December 9, 2012
Was Lewis Carroll twisted or did he just enjoy the innocence of child-play?
I want to think in my mind, that Lewis Carroll who was a professor, simply enjoyed spending time, teaching and entertaining young children. He did not have any children of his own and by terms of his employment he was not allowed to marry and therefore did not. He spent much time with the school’s Dean and his family (the “the real Alice” was the Dean and Lewis Carroll’s employer). Without confirmation otherwise, I believe Charles Dodgson, a.k.a. Lewis Carroll, was an educator who loved his job of teaching children and delighted in seeing the eyes of the innocent sparkle when he told his tales. If you can step back in time and remember when everything was new and an adventure. Why shouldn’t we all carry that feeling around with us and go out into the world and see everything through the eyes of a child?
Smithsonian link on Lewis Carroll’s Shifting Reputation