Wow, what a busy week I've had. My husband and I helped with our church's VBS services this week. We had so much fun. I was so blessed to shoot tons of candid photos of the kids and cute little headshots of each child, which they used in a craft to give to their parents. There were so many adorable little faces.
I've been so busy that I haven't had time to update my blog. It's sure not from lack of photography work but lack of time to get to the blog and show off some of the cute faces that I have been able to photograph. I will post photos in the next few days. Have a great weekend everyone.

Shelly Perkins Photography is in the heart of Oklahoma. This is a random blog of Shelly's art, photography, and her complete love for life. She posts images she's made and other images or stories worth retelling. Currently Shelly is studying Fine Art Photography at The University of Oklahoma and exploring the art within her world. She is no longer taking portrait appointments on a regular basis but on an educational and spiritual journey behind her camera.